ETHDenver 2023

Created by
In-person (Denver, Colorado)
972 participants

1.23M+ USD

March 5, 2023March 5, 2023

ETHDenver is the largest and longest running #BUIDLathon in the world. #yearofthespork #buidlathon #ethdenver #buidl #bufficorn

Please note participation in this hackathon requires approval!


Pick challenges to attempt to build projects around.

0x Labs: Build Token Swaps with 0x Swap API

Ranked 7000 USDC

A credit line for every wallet

Pool 11500 USDC

Add an API to go-quai to prove an Account Balance

Pool 10000 USDC

Add Custom Tokens

Pool 2500 USDC

AI proposal summarization for Aragon DAOs

Ranked 5000 USDC

Android Development with zkBNB

Ranked 20000 ETH

Anything Snaps ?

Ranked 6000 ETH

Applied ZK, with a side of Scroll

Pool 3000 USDC

Best application built using ComposeDB on Ceramic

Pool 5000 ETH

Best DAO / Community tools built using ComposeDB

Pool 4000 ETH

Best Defi/NFT Project on Mantle

Ranked 6000 ETH

Best developer tooling solution for Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM)

Pool 10000 FIL

Best identity or reputation applications built on ComposeDB

Pool 4000 ETH

Best knowledge management applications built on ComposeDB

Pool 4000 ETH

Best Lens app

Ranked 15000 USDC
Web3 Social

Best Multi-Network Deployment using Infura

Pool 5000 ETH

Best new subgraph(s)

Ranked 5500 USDC

Best project using Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM)

Pool 25000 FIL

Best Social Integration with Tally API Data

Ranked 2000 USDC

Best Upgrade to SSX

Ranked 2000 ETH

Best Use of Ethereum Archive Data

Pool 1000 ETH

Best Use of Existing Subgraph(s)

Ranked 4500 USDC

Best Use of Fuel Predicates

Ranked 2500 USDC

Best Use of Infura NFT API

Ranked 6000 ETH

Best Use of Lens Protocol using Infura

Pool 2000 ETH

Best Use of Polygon

Ranked 10000 ETH

Best use of Sign-In with Ethereum using SSX and ENS

Pool 4000 ETH

Best web3 game experience built with HyperPlay

Ranked 10000 USDC

Best Web3 Social Apps built using ComposeDB

Pool 4000 ETH

Bring Functionality to Metis

Ranked 2500 ETH

Hackathon sponsors

These amazing sponsors made it all happen

Frequently Asked Questions

Buidler referral leaderboard

Which buidler loves blockchain the most?

What will you buidl?

Join ETHDenver 2023 now and win prizes!