[G6] - DAyOri 🏅

DAyOri is a all-in-one notification platform for DAO. Users can receive the notification via emails when some important action is happened in the DAO like new proposal is created or new member is added.



#BUIDLathon 2023 DAOs + Community Track

Pool 15,000 USDC

We try to improve the UX problems in the DAO community by providing notification tool that specialized in DAO. Also, we support any governance contract not only DAO, (OZ governor contract). We aim not just notification tool, we would like to be the communication platform specialized in DAO.

Build on Pocket Network

Pool 3,750 USDC

We use Pocket Network RPC for querying blockchain data. Frontend https://github.com/Aqrare/DAyOri/blob/d8da96ef9189be5093f28c58e2177e98e83eba1d/hosting/context/AragonSDK.tsx#L22 Backend https://github.com/Aqrare/DAyOri/blob/d8da96ef9189be5093f28c58e2177e98e83eba1d/functions/src/handlers/scheduledNotifyProposalCreated.ts#L24

Notifications for Aragon DAO events

Pool 4,000 USDC

DAyOri is especially focused on Aragon DAO. We can integrate the link to the Aragon dashboard and we can help the onboarding for Aragon. Also we can support Aragon SDK and users can resister the contract from subdomain, (dao.eth), and use SDK for get DAO name and including it to the email text and title.

Project details


DAyOri is a all-in-one notification platform for DAO.

Users can receive the notification via emails when some important action is happened in the DAO like new proposal is created or new member is added.

DAyOri aim to support all DAO related contracts from the governor contract to treasury contract. All needed things for DAO notification is gathered here, and user don't have to monitor a lot of DAO dashboard.

DAyOri means letters in Japanese.

【How it works】

  • We monitors all events data emitted from the resisterd DAO contract, and read the event data and translate it to the human readable language, then notify that via email.

  • We use opt-in model and users can set which notifications they receive from our application

  • We can support all DAO related contract not only specialized contract, and plan to expand more.


  • Poor UI & UX

  • Low voter turnout

  • Difficulty understanding the DAO status

    【How can we solve】

  • Easy to use interface

  • Assessing the voting situation

  • Receiving notification

    【Supported Contract】

  • Aragon DAO contract

  • Aragon resistory contract

  • OpenZeppelin governor contracts

    【Supported Contract】
    Currently, DAyOri supports only Goerli chain but we will support other network soon.

  • 【Future Plan】

  • Integrate other SNSs like Telegram or Discord and add opition for the users.

  • We're also interested in the messaging solution between the wallet addresses, integrate DAyOri to those and would like to improve the UX in the DAO space.

    【Receivable Notifications】

  • Proposal Created

    • Get notification when someone created new projects

    • Address of the creator and proposal duration is displayed in the email.

    • In case of the contract is made from Aragon, there is URL for the contract dashboard page

  • MembersAdded

    • Get notification when proposal for adding new members are executed.

    • Address of the new members are displayed in the email

    • In case of the contract is made from Aragon, there is URL for the contract dashboard page

  • ProposalExecuted

    • Get notification when proposals are executed.

  • VoteCase

    • Get notification when someone vote for the proposal