Our project provides tooling for the Developer Governance Gigs Board. We built infrastructure to improve interaction between users and posts. We introduced promoted posts, post edit history monitoring, markdown code diff, fuzzy search, and a system for identifying the hottest posts. By leveraging these tools, we can improve communication and task execution within the NEAR governance community.
We implemented a Near.Social widget for Fuzzy Searching that can handle typos, making it easier for users to find relevant posts quickly.
We developed and deployed smart contract and created a widget for Near.Social where users are able to bid on their chosen posts to promote. As well as view top three promoted posts or all currently promoted posts.
With our widget users can view any post editing history and compare different versions of it.
We met all challenge criteria and implemented a widget that can determine which posts are the most active within a specific time frame.
We created a collection of widgets for Near.Social to improve user experience on the Developer Governance Gigs Board.
HackGovGigs Widget
The widget showcases all of our developed tools for DevGovGigs on one page allowing for an enhanced interaction experience for users.
Fuzzy Searching that can handle typos, making it easier for users to find relevant posts quickly. Check more details: Fuzzy Search widget
Hottest Posts can determine which posts are the most active within a specific time frame. Check more details: Top Posts Widget
Users can view any post editing history and compare different versions of it. Check more details: Editing History Widget
User able to bid on their chosen posts to promote. Check more details: Promote Post Widget
User can view top three promoted posts or all currently promoted posts. Check more details: Promoted Posts Carousel Widget & Promoted Post Widget
URL: https://near.social/#/p516entropy.near/widget/HackGovGigs
Fuzzy Search widget
The widget implements a fuzzy matching algorithm that can handle typos, making it easier for users to find relevant posts quickly.
Indexer: The application indexes all posts on DevGovGigs, making them searchable.
Stemming: The application uses stemming to improve search results by matching variations of the same word (e.g., search results for "programming" will also include results for "programmer").
Stop words filter: The application filters out common words such as "a", "an", and "the" from search queries to improve search accuracy.
Spellcheck: The application includes a spellcheck feature that suggests alternate spellings for search queries that don't match any results.
Search by author_id, post_type, name, description, labels: The widget allows users to conduct search results by various attributes of the post.
Quick load with few requests for search results: The widget loads search results quickly with a minimal number of requests to the blockchain.
InfiniteScroll for search result: The application includes an InfiniteScroll feature that loads additional search results as the user scrolls down the page.
URL: https://near.social/#/p516entropy.near/widget/PostsFuzzySearch
Top Posts Widget
Currently, the DevGovGigs only shows posts in chronological order, which can make it difficult for users to find the most active posts. This widget introduces simple heuristics to determine which posts are the hottest. In addition, users can filter hot posts by the last 24 hours, week, and month.
Heuristics: The widget can determine which posts are the hottest by various factors, such as the number of replies and likes, as well as the age of the post and the age of each reply it has.
Filters: Users can filter hot posts by the last 24 hours, week, and month. This allows users to see the most active posts within a specific time frame.
URL: https://near.social/#/p516entropy.near/widget/HottestDevPosts
Editing History Widget
This widget allows users to view the editing history of posts on DevGigsBoard. The editing history is stored on a smart contract and can be accessed through this widget.
Dropdown menu with timestamps and accounts corresponding to when and who edited a webpage
Clicking a timestamp opens the webpage with the post the way it looked after that edit
Selecting two timestamps opens a diff window that shows what parts of the post have changed between the two selected timestamps
URL: https://near.social/#/markeljan.near/widget/PostWithHistory?id=164
Promote Post Widget
The widget allows users to promote chosen posts.
Users able to bid on their chosen posts to promote
Users can set intervals for each bid to spread funds evenly
User able to see required daily bid for the post to be in top 3
All bids are transferred to a designated NEAR account through developed smart contract
URL: https://near.social/#/markeljan.near/widget/PromotePost
Promoted Post Widgets
The Carousel widget allows users to see the top three posts with the highest bids
The widget has button to allow users to view all posts that have been currently promoted
Top three posts with highest bids widget can be placed anywhere as a small ui carousel
The post with the higher bid will be shown first more often
Separate widget to Show All current Promoted posts
URL: https://near.social/#/p516entropy.near/widget/PromotedPostsCarousel
URL: https://near.social/#/p516entropy.near/widget/PromotedPosts