
Allocation strategy based on the popular TV show Survivor. Recipients are voted off one by one by allocators, and a portion of the funds is released each round until there is only one recipients left.


Best Novel Funding Distribution Tool

Ranked 20,000 ARB

It was fun!

Project details

1. Project Description

Survivor Strategy

The Survivor allocation strategy is modeled after the popular show Survivor. The admin can create a pool using this custom strategy, and will need to select: Start time, Round Duration, Number of Participants/Rounds and the reward per round.

Once initiated, the admin can add recipients to the strategy (up to the maximum number of rounds/participants). Once the Round Duration elapses after contest start time, Judges will be able to vote for the participants. The participant with the lowest amount of votes is voted out when the admin calls the "Distribute" method and officially ends the round.

A judge (allocator) is anyone who has an NFT with the appropriate address, specified when the strategy is initiated. The Judge has to provide their NFT id, and "prove" ownership on chain when voting.

When the round is over, one participant is removed, and then round rewards are distributed equally to all remaining participants. In the last round, only one participant takes the entire round reward.

Outwit, Outlast, Outplay! :)

Team Members:
Paul Len
Mike Ghen

The project is a custom allocation strategy, and as such is fully integrated within the Allo protocol. It uses the BaseStrategy contract as its interface, and depends on the live versions of the Allo and Registry contracts.

2. Link to the publicly visible source code repository