[W14] - Atmosph3re 🏅

Atmosph3re is a dApp for reducing the homeless crisis in the United States by giving those living on the streets a decentralized identity, mentoring and community support, and funds for spending on their basic needs to help them thrive.


Best project using Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM)

Pool 25,000 FIL

Built contracts on FVM and stored content on IPFS.

#BUIDLathon 2023 Impact + Public Goods Track

Pool 15,000 MATIC

We are excited for our solution to help the homeless population in Denver and the United States with our solution.

Open Aurora Bounty

Ranked 6,000 ETH

We built and app for blockchain for good and hope our dApp will allow those facing difficulties in housing situations both for the homeless and the refugees or those who are displaced due to climate disasters. Our dApp can help them to build a community contact and support around requesting and receiving aid.

Fuzzy Search widget

Ranked 4,000 ETH

Community posts with search on BOS.

Deploy a decentralized frontend component for ANY Ethereum project or hack

Pool 20,000 ETH

Built our front end on BOS.

Donation Legos

Ranked 1,500 USDC

Very excited to help build a new way to raise funds and share with communities.

Security 🔒& Scalability 🌱

Ranked 7,000 ETH

We were excited to incorproate metamask into our dAppa and using the features for a speedy on boarding. We hope our dApp will allow those facing difficulties in housing situations both for the homeless and the refugees or those who are displaced due to climate disasters. Our dApp can help them to build a community contact and support around requesting and receiving aid.

near.social bots coded in JS

Ranked 4,000 ETH

Building a community on BOS

Design a blockchain product for low-income populations facing financial emergencies.

Ranked 1,000 USDC

We hope our dApp will allow those facing difficulties in housing situations both for the homeless and the refugees or those who are displaced due to climate disasters. Our dApp can help them to build a community contact and support around requesting and receiving aid.

Impacting Homelessness

Ranked 2,500 USDC

We were excited to read about the Giveth challenge to help the homeless population and did a lot of research for our solution and are excited for the opportunity to share it with the team and were excited to build this dApp for good! We hope the features including a decentralized identity with security, mentorship and community building on chain, and ability to receive micropayments and donations will be a platform to help those who are unhoused to rise up and improve their lines surrounded by the right Atmosphere.

Project details

How we built it:

We built it using bubble for the front end, solidity for the Ethereum smart contracts.

Tech stack

1.       Bubble for our front end

2.       Solidity smart contracts for the EVM

3.       BOS

4.       IPFS


Contract is able to:

·       Create micropayment channels

·       Send one off transactions

·       Deposit / Withdrawal funds

·       Settle micropayment channels


We like NEAR's BOS for our project because of the benefits offered: i) Atmosphere also wants a cheap, customizable, and unique onboarding experience for users. ii) Atmosphere doesn't want to expose full access keys in their backend servers. iii) Atmosphere also wants a smooth UX with zero barrier to entry onboarding.