web3 auth flows by walt.id

Auth via on-chain + off-chain identity


Best application built using ComposeDB on Ceramic

Pool 5,000 ETH

Why this challenge: We built a web3-native identity and access management solution. Goal: Enable dapps/DAOs to auth users based on their on-chain and off-chain identity/reputation. Value for Users: Build up identity/reputation once and re-use it everywhere. Value for Dapps/DAO: Seamless user data collection and verification. Value for Devs: Holistic end-to-end auth tool that is integrated in minutes and fully open source (Apache 2). Value for Ceramic: (1) We build up a set of identity data models (user profiles aligned with W3C VC spec). (2) We build up a database of users’ identity data. Both (data models , user data) can be reused and extended by any dev or app driving adoption of Ceramic.

Best identity or reputation applications built on ComposeDB

Pool 4,000 ETH

Why this challenge: We built a web3-native identity and access management solution. Goal: Enable dapps/DAOs to auth users based on their on-chain and off-chain identity/reputation. Value for Users: Build up identity/reputation once and re-use it everywhere. Value for Dapps/DAO: Seamless user data collection and verification. Value for Devs: Holistic end-to-end auth tool that is integrated in minutes and fully open source (Apache 2). Value for Ceramic: (1) We build up a set of identity data models (user profiles aligned with W3C VC spec). (2) We build up a database of users’ identity data. Both (data models , user data) can be reused and extended by any dev or app driving adoption of Ceramic.

Project details

Demonstrate user onboarding and authentication that leverages on-chain identity (NFT) and off-chain identity (SSI).

A user interacts with 2 apps in separate flows:

User onboards to app "Franz"

1. Sign in with ETH [1]
2. Data is collected (via form)
3. Data is signed/transformed into a Verifiable Credential, "VC" [2]
4. "VC" is stored on Ceramic [3]
5. NFT (membership) is minted to user's wallet [4]

User authenticates to App "Sissi"
6. Sign in with ETH
7. On-chain data (ENS domain) is fetched
8. Off-chain data (VC) is shared via Ceramic
9. On-chain data (membership NFT) is verified + unlocks voucher


[1] SIWE: EIP-4361
[2] VC: W3C DID (did:key) + W3C VC (JWT)
[3] Ceramic: ComposeDB
[4] NFT: ERC-721 on Mumbai